Featured speakers

Scott Hanselman

Partner Program Manager at Microsoft

Rachel Appel

Developer Advocate at JetBrains

Cecil Phillip

Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft

Luis Ruiz Pavón

Development Lead at Plain Concepts & MVP in Visual Studio

Daniela Solís

Artificial Intelligence Team Lead at Plain Concepts

Verónica Bas

Data & AI Cloud Solution Architect

Ryan Nowak

Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft

Noelle Silver

Head of Instruction, Data Science, Analytcs and Full Stack Web Development

Maddy Leger

Program Manager for Visual Studio Mobile Dev Tools at Microsoft

Eduard Tomàs

Principal Tech Lead at Plain Concepts & MVP in Visual Studio

Javier Suárez

Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft

Erika Ehrli

Director of Technical Product Marketing - Azure Development

Scott Hanselman
Partner Program Manager at Microsoft
My name is Scott Hanselman. I'm a programmer, teacher, and speaker. I work out of my home office in Portland, Oregon for the Web Platform Team at Microsoft, but this blog, its content and opinions are my own. I blog about technology, culture, gadgets, diversity, code, the web, where we're going and where we've been. I'm excited about community, social equity, media, entrepreneurship and above all, the open web.
The Future of .NET
Rachel Appel
Developer Advocate at JetBrains
Build Awesome AF Apps!
Azure functions enables developers to host and run chunks of code in the cloud, without the need for creating and maintaining the infrastructure around that code. This means you don't need solutions and projects like you do when developing websites and APIs. They are event driven, serverless, compute-on-demand experiences that you can write in several languages, from JavaScript to C# to Python to PowerShell. Azure functions can enable integrated backend operations for a wide array of scenarios including web and apps, IoT, and more. With Azure functions, you can immediately get your code up and running, which is essential in today's ever changing technology world. In this session, you'll learn how to build awesome Azure functions apps variety of scenarios.
Cecil Phillip
Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft
Cecil Phillip is a software developer with almost a decade of experience in the software development. Over his career, he’s worked in different roles and created software solutions for various industries such as finance, education, HR, and healthcare. Today, he's a Developer Advocate at Microsoft where he helps guide students and developers get up to speed with cloud technology.
Distributed Messaging patterns
Distributed systems are composed of a collection of services that each have their own roles and requirements. As we’re designing these systems, it’s important for us to understand how we communicate with these services and also how they communicate with each other.
Luis Ruiz Pavón
Development Lead at Plain Concepts & MVP in Visual Studio
Mi nombre es Luis Ruiz (AKA Luru) y soy padre de Paula y Martina, marido de Natalia. Me dedico a picar código y soy C3PO en Plain Concepts y CTO en localhost. Soy Microsoft Most Valuable Professional desde hace 8 años en la categoría de Development Technologies. Me encanta cocinar con vino y en ocasiones lo echo a la comida. Me gustan casi todos los deportes y aprovecho las mañanas para salir a correr por los parques.
ASP.NET Core Best Practices
Otro año más volvemos con nuestra sesión sobre buenas prácticas cuando trabajamos con Asp.Net Core. Entre otras cosas, veremos: Logs de alto rendimiento, caché, errores, seguridad, uso correcto del poll de HTTP, asincronía, compresión de respuestas, trabajo con ficheros, uso correcto de HttpContext, uso correcto del contenedor de dependencias.
Daniela Solís
Artificial Intelligence Team Lead at Plain Concepts
Team Lead del equipo de IA de Plain Concepts. Maestría en Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad de Amsterdam con grado en Ingeniería del Software de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Apasionada de las nuevas tecnologías y del mundo de la Inteligencia Artificial.
En busca de una AI inclusiva
La inteligencia artificial está creando nuevas oportunidades para mejorar la vida de las personas en todo el mundo, haciendo grandes aportes en diferentes campos como pueden ser la sanidad o la educación. ¿Pero qué pasaría si estos algoritmos estuviesen aprendiendo a ser injustos? El efecto podría ser catastrófico y a gran escala. Por ejemplo, un sistema de búsqueda de trabajo podría favorecer a los candidatos masculinos para realizar entrevistas, o asumir pronombres femeninos al traducir palabras como "enfermera" o "secretaria". Por ello, es necesario alzar la voz para trabajar hacia sistemas que sean justos e inclusivos para tod@s de forma que se logre asegurar que un sistema será justo e inclusivo en todas las situaciones. Esto es un desafío a día de hoy en el campo de la inteligencia artificial, acentuado en gran medida porque no hay una definición de qué es justo y qué no. En esta sesión veremos los principales problemas asociados al sesgo de los datos y cómo se pueden llegar a construir modelos que sean éticos, justos e interpretables.
Verónica Bas
Data & AI Cloud Solution Architect
Arquitecto de soluciones Cloud, especializada en soluciones de datos e inteligencia artificial. Al principio de los tiempos fui “puntonetera” pero me pasé al lado oscuro de los datos. Fan del PaaS y la democratización de la tecnología, estoy en Microsoft desde hace casi 7 años, actualmente liderando la vertical de sector público desde el área de Customer Success.
The new Analytics era: Combina DWH, Big Data y ML, y tendrás el coctel perfecto para tus mejores fiestas del Dato!
Las necesidades de explotación de datos han venido aumentando y mutando desde los clásicos proyectos de datawarehousing, en los que necesitábamos meses, e incluso años, para tener un entorno operativo que nos diese información del pasado, hacia nuevos retos como el análisis en tiempo real, la explotación de volúmenes ingentes de información tanto estructurada como semi/no estructurada, y la mejora de información para el negocio mediante el uso de la Inteligencia Artificial o el Machine Learning para incluso predecir qué puede ocurrir en el futuro.
Ryan Nowak
Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft
Ryan Nowak is a developer on the ASP.NET team, where he works on Razor, MVC and a variety of other things. He's been employed at Microsoft for 10 years, working on various developer tools such as profilers, IDEs and compilers. Ryan is one of the core developers on Blazor, focused on the ASP.NET Core integration, compiler, Razor language and tooling support.
Unlock your Superpowers: Understanding Cloud Application Models
Do you find going from development to production frustrating and error-prone? How do you go from “it works on my machine” to running in the cloud. This talk will provide a systematic approach to understanding cloud runtimes and the formats they use like Dockerfiles, or Kubernetes manifests. With a little knowledge, the techniques we use to break down complex business problems can do the same for designing applications that work when deployed. We’ll use examples in ASP.NET Core to motivate the use cases and understand how the concepts are layered.
Noelle Silver
Head of Instruction, Data Science, Analytcs and Full Stack Web Development
Noelle is a multi-award-winning technologist who specializes in conversational AI and Voice Technology, Intelligent Apps and Agents, and Responsible AI Practices. She has lead teams at NPR, Microsoft, and Amazon, and is the Founder of #Lovefluencers and the AI Leadership Institute. She is passionate about Mindful Leadership, authentic personal branding, and the ethical and responsible use of technology in business. She is currently Head of Instruction, Data Science, Analytics, and Full Stack Development at HackerU, where she works with universities and leads a team of engineers to create innovative tech education programs to empower learners to get started with a career in the tech industry.
How to Get Started in AI and Machine Learning
In this session, we will discuss the 6 most important things you need to do to begin a career in AI and ML. This session is for those who want to pursue a career in technology with a focus on artificial intelligence.
Maddy Leger
Program Manager for Visual Studio Mobile Dev Tools at Microsoft
Maddy Leger is a Program Manager at Microsoft on the Xamarin team. She has been with the team since 2018 working on Xamarin tooling. She first worked with the Xamarin team as a Microsoft intern and realized the impact she could have creating amazing developer tools and frameworks. Maddy’s current focus is on making Xamarin.Forms developers more productive than ever. Find Maddy on Twitter and Github @maddyleger1!
Boosting your Xamarin development productivity
Xamarin developers are creating beautiful mobile apps faster than ever. The Xamarin tooling team has been hard at work making improvements to every aspect of the .NET mobile development process. We’ve made it more intuitive to write code, faster to build and deploy your apps, and easier to iterate on your UIs with a wide variety of tools and features. Join Maddy Leger, Xamarin Program Manager, to learn about all of the ways to become even more productive writing Xamarin apps with some of the latest and greatest tools, like XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin Hot Restart, and more!
Eduard Tomàs
Principal Tech Lead at Plain Concepts & MVP in Visual Studio
Soy un ingeniero informático de los días en que Silicon Graphics era genial, así que he estado en este mundo desde hace unos años... He estado en todo tipo de proyectos y tecnologías, sobre todo en Microsoft, aunque últimamente tengo la cabeza en la nube y en la de los contenedores. He sido reconocido como MVP de Microsoft durante los últimos 8 años y trabajo en Plain Concepts como Principal Tech Lead en la soleada oficina de Barcelona.
Net Core + Microservices
En esta sesión vamos a dar un repaso a como está el ecosistema de .NET (Core) para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de Microservicios. Hablaremos de proyectos como Tye, YARP, gRPC y Dapr para ver qué rol juega cada uno y como podemos combinarlos. Será divertido! ;-)
Javier Suárez
Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft
Javier Suárez actualmente trabaja en Microsoft en el equipo de desarrollo de Xamarin.Forms y .NET MAUI. Gran apasionado de la comunidad donde participa activamente coordinando varios grupos de usuarios e impartiendo charlas.
Creando controles para Xamarin.Forms
¿Alguna vez has necesito tener un elemento visual con cierta apariencia o comportamiento en tu aplicación Xamarin.Forms?. Es probable y hay diferentes formas de crear controles personales. Desde un Custom Renderer a un control con plantilla pasando por controles personalizados. En esta sesión veremos como crear controles usando Custom Renderers, crear un Custom Control, crear un Templated Control o crear un control usando SkiaSharp. En todos los casos, veremos la forma de crearlos, pros y contras además de ciertos consejos a la hora de crear cada tipo junto a otros datos relacionados como el rendimiento entre otros factores.
Erika Ehrli
Director of Technical Product Marketing - Azure Development
Results-oriented technical professional with 14+ years' experience at Microsoft. My biggest passion is creating technical content, demos, and reference architectures to tell the story of our products and cloud platform to win the hearts of developers and inspire businesses and enterprise customers to build the apps of the future.
Increase Developer Velocity with Microsoft Tools and Cloud
Microsoft is unique in the industry and provides the world’s most comprehensive developer toolkit and platform to support your journey as a developer, no matter where you are. Learn how you can build productively, collaborate from anywhere, scale innovation and help increase Developer Velocity in your organization with Microsoft Tools and Cloud.